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Combating the Opioid Crisis

A person struggling with opioid addiction gets support.

The opioid crisis emerged in the 1990s when pharmaceutical companies reassured healthcare providers that prescription opioids such as oxycodone and hydrocodone were safe for use without addiction risks when taken correctly. In response to this information, opioids were prescribed frequently for managing pain. As time passed, it became apparent that oxycodone and hydrocodone were highly addictive and that these substances posed a risk of dependence, and their misuse surged significantly. 

Origins of the Opioid Crisis

Prescription painkillers such as OxyContin, Vicodin, and Percocet are commonly prescribed for pain management; however, they can frequently result in dependency or misuse. 

Many people who first misuse prescription opioids often switch to heroin because it is more affordable and more accessible to obtain. 

Synthetic opioids, like potent synthetic opioids, are now major factors in fatal overdose incidents when combined with other substances without the individual’s awareness. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 107,941 individuals lost their lives to drug overdoses in the United States in 2022 – a significant number of which were attributed to opioids. The opioid crisis touches all segments of society; however, rural regions, low-income neighborhoods, and specific ethnic groups have borne a burden. The enduring impact of abuse extends to well-being, mental wellness, and family dynamics, often leading to strained relationships, financial difficulties, and a significant burden on the healthcare system. These societal implications underscore the pressing need to tackle this epidemic promptly. 

Combating the Opioid Crisis

To effectively address the crisis, a well-rounded approach encompassing prevention measures, timely intervention strategies, and robust support systems for treatment and recovery efforts must be implemented nationwide. Here are a few impactful initiatives currently being implemented across regions. 

One of the tactics to address misuse involved the introduction of Prescription Monitoring Programs (PMPs). These electronic databases managed by states keep tabs on controlled substance prescriptions and aid healthcare professionals in spotting patients to misuse risks, such as “doctor shopping,” a term used to describe the practice of visiting multiple doctors to obtain multiple prescriptions for the same drug. By utilizing PMPs, healthcare providers can make choices regarding prescriptions and pinpoint individuals engaging in “doctor shopping” or getting prescriptions from multiple sources. 

Another way the United States has been combating the opioid crisis is by raising awareness among the public, which has been crucial in teaching people about the risks of misusing opioids. This effort extends to healthcare providers and the broader community alike. For instance, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has focused on enhancing awareness about how addictive opioids can be while working to lessen the perceptions surrounding addiction. By promoting intervention and dispelling myths about related issues through such campaigns, people are encouraged to seek assistance without fear of judgment or misunderstanding. 

Preventive initiatives are vital for addressing misuse among the youth by educating them about coping mechanisms against substance abuse and promoting lifestyle habits. 

Finally, significant research has been done on Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT). This approach involves using medications like buprenorphine or methadone alongside therapy to assist people in coping with cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Even though MAT is proven to work in treating addiction, many regions still don’t fully use it because of negative perceptions, restricted availability, and legal obstacles. To combat the crisis, it’s essential to improve the availability of MAT in areas that lack healthcare services. Certain states are boosting support for MAT initiatives while others are easing restrictions to enable medical professionals to offer these treatments. 

 The Importance of Government and Community Assistance

The government, at both state levels, has implemented measures to combat the opioid crisis problem that exists in today’s society. One significant legislative action taken was the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CAR), which dates back to 2016 and marked an important moment in the provision of funding for addiction treatment and prevention related to opioids. Through CAR’s implementation emerged the availability of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) distribution programs and other crucial support services. In 2018 came the enactment of the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, which continued to enhance progress by expanding healthcare access for individuals grappling with opioid use disorder alongside allocating resources towards public health campaigns while also reinforcing prescription monitoring practices. 

Local groups and non-profit organizations also play a role in tackling the epidemic. Faith-based communities and support centers within neighborhoods offer aid such as therapy sessions and help with housing and jobs for individuals in recovery. 

Combating the Opioid Crisis with Premiere Addiction

The ongoing opioid crisis has been affecting people and families significantly; hence, the search for treatment solutions has become increasingly crucial nowadays. Premiere Addiction Recovery is committed to aiding individuals in their recovery path from addiction by offering evidence-based therapies tailored to their needs and a caring attitude that helps them restore their lives and take charge of their well-being. 

Whether it’s through medication support therapy sessions or the backing of the community network, Premiere Addiction Recovery Center offers assistance and guidance for conquering opioid addiction and maintaining a lasting recovery journey ahead of you or a loved individual facing this challenge. Connect with Premiere Addiction Recovery today to start your journey toward a brighter tomorrow.