Premiere Addiction Recovery

While addiction obviously affects the person abusing substances, it also affects the people surrounding the person struggling with addiction. So, when a person gets help for addiction through treatment, it’s important for the family of that individual to be involved with recovery efforts. Here at Premiere Addiction Recovery, we understand the importance of family involvement during the trials and tribulations which may arise throughout recovery. So, we provide various resources so that family and loved ones of individuals in treatment may learn skillsets and helpful information about what they can do for their loved one in recovery.

If you think that a family member or loved one is struggling with addiction, there are a few signs you can look for. Some common signs of addiction may include:

  • Financial issues/stealing from loved ones/borrowing money
  • Loss of interest in past hobbies and passions
  • Mood and sleep schedule swings
  • Neglected appearance and hygiene
  • Denial, manipulation, and lying
  • Keeping secrets and avoidance behaviors

The Need for Family Education

Addicts in active addiction utilize manipulation, lying, and fear to get what they want from loved ones (a means to use). So, families and friends of addicts may have to live with the anxiety and stress that comes along with these tactics. Plus, the knowledge that their loved one is dealing with a dangerous disease that often results in death.

Unfortunately, due to the negative aspects that come with loving an addict, families and loved ones may have trouble coping with negative emotions that arise due to addiction. As a result, they may enable drug use unintentionally, deny that addiction is present, and/or avoid the topic of addiction altogether. Sadly, while these actions may keep addiction out of sight and mind for the family member, they can also work to prevent a loved one from getting the help and support they need to establish sobriety.

When families attempt to understand addiction and how it works, they are more likely to know how to best react to behaviors of their addicted loved one. Furthermore, they can understand how to address the issues of addiction in their own lives, as it surely affects everyone an addicted person loves.

Our Mission to Help Provide Resources to Families in Need

Here at Premiere Addiction Recovery, we believe families play a role in helping individuals struggling with addiction find the help they need to establish a life of recovery. So, it’s important for families to educate themselves through various resources as to understand the disease of addiction. And, seek treatment options according to specific needs of the family and the individual living in active addiction.

If you think your loved one is struggling with dependence to illicit drugs or prescription medication, we can help. We offer personalized treatment in order to provide each patient in our care the individualized attention, therapy, and medical support they need to gain lasting sobriety. To learn more about our programs and how we can help your loved one and family, call us today for a confidential consultation with an experienced representative.